If you are looking for how to tag someone on instagram you than you are at right place Instrgram is a platform like facebook where you can socialize from. Instagram provides the same feature as the facebook provides.

How to tag someone on instagram
How to tag someone on instagram

 Istagram is  It related to Facebook

Instagram provide all the feature are on facebook. It provides you the cmounication between the person to person.  It alows you to sign in free like facebook. You can send message to your freinds,family and relatives. You can add story of the event on as you post on .You can send and recive files. You can send Voice note to clear your thinking. But you should know how to tag someone on instagram.

Learn How to Tag People on Instagram

Tag the people on instagram is very important to know people that you have posted the which is related their mean. Lets see how you can tag people on istagram.Here are the few steps to tag people on instagram.

Step1 Open Browser

First of all open your browser. You Can open any browser which is compaitable for Instagram. Most of the old browser are not compatible for most of sites. So be carefull in downloading the browser

Step 2 Login  Instagram Account

Secondly you have to login to instagram account . For that go to Instagram. It will lead you to instgram. If yoou already have account Just click on login. 
Login Instagram

If you do not have account click on create Instagram account. You can create from facebook account. If you want to know how to create facebook account click Create Facebook Account.
 Instagram offers you to sing up or join diferent methods other than facebook. You can your Mobile number or email for your instagram

Step3 Creat a post

If  you are here you would definatly want to know how to tag someone on istagram. If you want to tag someone on instagram you need to create Some of the post on instagram. For creating post you have  it is very easy on mobile phone. But hard to find on Personal computer. To do on Pc Let's check it out.

First click on the dot on the top of browser. If you are using chorome this method it is for you. If you are not using Chorome than need to search for develouper tools. 

Click On three dots

 From their go to click on mobile or tablet icon and refreash the pasge

Click On mobile or tablet icon

 Now you can upload instgram post, any thing you want.
After adding Post

After posting you need to add tags .There option for caption and tags you can tag any people and your post is ready your closer one or reciever.
add your tags